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Incorporated in 2010, Voler Cars Limited provides reliable and efficient employee transportation services (ETS) to large MNCs and corporate clients. The company offers comprehensive home-to-office transportation with 24/7 customer service, dedicated teams, and over 2,500 vehicles, including cars, SUVs, electric vehicles, buses, and tempo travellers.
Don't have a Navia account? Sign upDate | 12Feb2025 - 14Feb2025 |
Price Range (₹) | 85 to 90 |
Minimum Order Quantity | 1600 |
(D)RHP | View |
In FY 2023-24, the company completed approximately 3,23,550 trips, averaging over 884 visits daily. The company operates in Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Bhubaneshwar, Delhi-NCR, and Ahmedabad, offering corporate transportation with vendor-sourced and leased vehicles, ensuring timely pick-ups and drop-offs per service level agreements (SLA). Read more
You can apply for the Voler Car IPO using any supported UPI app by following two steps:
On acceptance of the mandate, the bid amount will get blocked in your bank account.
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