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Make trading and investing in stock markets simple and rewarding for you.
Bringing technology-driven, simple yet intelligent solutions that enable you to invest or trade at almost zero cost.
With Navia you get the best, technology driven, investing and trading tools that equip you with the relevant information to take right decisions at the right time.
We strive to provide you an experience that is simple and rewarding for you. We like to be innovative and you will feel this in dealing with us - right even at the stage of opening an account.
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Jawahar Vadivelu has rich experience in a broad spectrum of financial services that includes, mortgage finance, stock broking, insurance, and registry and transfer. He holds MBA degrees from the Asian Institute of Management, Philippines, and from the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago. Jawahar Vadivelu is a past President of International Chamber of Commerce – India (ICC India) & the Southern India Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SICCI) and is also on the National Executive Committees of apex chambers of commerce such as SICCI, FICCI & the Indian Council of Arbitration (ICA). He is passionate about global current affairs, gardening, music of all genres, art appreciation and travelling.
Hozefa has 2 decades of experience in the broking industry. He is an avid fan of technology and has used technology intensively along his entire career in the industry. The buck at Navia stops with him. Outside of work, he loves travelling, trekking, music, swimming and is a running enthusiast.