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Sai Life Sciences Limited IPO

Incorporated in January 1999, Sai Life Sciences Limited researches, develops, and manufactures small-molecule new chemical entities. The company offers tailor-made services to biotech firms and global pharma companies.

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Date11Dec2024 - 13Dec2024
Price Range (₹)522 to 549
Minimum Order Quantity27 Shares

In the Financial Year 2024 and for the month ending September 30, 2024, the company provided services to over 280 innovator pharmaceutical companies, including more than 230 in that month alone. Among these clients, the company worked with 18 of the top 25 pharmaceutical companies based on their revenue in the calendar year 2023.The services were offered across countries such as the US, the UK, Europe, and Japan. Read more

How do I apply for the Sai Life Sciences IPO?

You can apply for the Sai Life Sciences IPO using any supported UPI app by following two steps:

  • Enter your bid on rocket
  • Accept UPI mandate on your phone

On acceptance of the mandate, the bid amount will get blocked in your bank account.

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