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The company's products cater to various sectors, including railways, furniture, households, gate railing, door frames, rice plants, sugar mills, food processing, and heat exchangers. The company's manufacturing unit is situated in Hissar, Haryana and is spread across an area of 3 acres.
Don't have a Navia account? Sign upDate | 12Feb2025 - 14Feb2025 |
Price Range (₹) | 132 to 140 |
Minimum Order Quantity | 1000 |
(D)RHP | View |
The company has a distribution network across 18 Indian states and engages directly with OEMs for timely deliveries and tailored solutions. The company has a strong network of 77 dealers spread across the different states of the country. As of January 31, 2025, the company employs a total of 114 employees, including non-contract labor. Read more
You can apply for the PS Raj Steels IPO using any supported UPI app by following two steps:
On acceptance of the mandate, the bid amount will get blocked in your bank account.
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