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Incorporated in 2019, Maxvolt Energy Industries Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries. The company manufactures lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles, energy storage, and electronics, sold through dealers, distributors, and OEMs under the "MaxVolt Energy" brand.
Don't have a Navia account? Sign upDate | 12Feb2025 - 14Feb2025 |
Price Range (₹) | 171 to 180 |
Minimum Order Quantity | 800 |
(D)RHP | View |
The company manufactures customized battery packs, supplies Graphene battery packs, and chargers under its own brand name. As of September 30, 2024, the company has service centers in five states, providing support to dealers and distributors for battery issues. Read more
You can apply for the Maxvolt Energy IPO using any supported UPI app by following two steps:
On acceptance of the mandate, the bid amount will get blocked in your bank account.
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