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Go Digit General Insurance IPO

Established in December 2016, Go Digit General Insurance Limited provides a range of insurance products including motor, health, travel, property, marine, and liability insurance. Customers have the option to tailor these products to suit their specific requirements. Presently, the company offers 74 active products across its various business segments.

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Date15May2024 - 17May2024
Price Range (₹)258 - 272
Minimum Order Quantity55

The company intends to utilize the net proceeds for the following purposes: 1. Supporting its ongoing business operations. 2. Funding proposed activities that are dependent on the net proceeds. Additionally, the company anticipates experiencing advantages from listing its equity shares on stock exchanges, including heightened visibility and an enhanced brand image among both existing and prospective customers. Read more

How do I apply for the Go Digit IPO?

You can apply for the Go Digit IPO using any supported UPI app by following two steps:

  • Enter your bid on rocket
  • Accept UPI mandate on your phone

On acceptance of the mandate, the bid amount will get blocked in your bank account.

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