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Founded in June 2013, Chamunda Electricals Limited specializes in operating and maintaining up to 66 KV substations, testing and commissioning for up to 220 KV substations, and 1.5 MW solar power generation. The company's services include erecting EHV class equipment, structures, earthing, control cable works, and other associated tasks for up to 220 KV (D Class) substations.
Don't have a Navia account? Sign upDate | 04Feb2025 - 06Feb2025 |
Price Range (₹) | 47 to 50 |
Minimum Order Quantity | 3000 |
(D)RHP | View |
The company has a team of more than 600 engineers, supervisors and other supporting staff well-equipped to handle complex projects with a high degree of accuracy. Read more
You can apply for the Chamunda Electricals IPO using any supported UPI app by following two steps:
On acceptance of the mandate, the bid amount will get blocked in your bank account.
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