15 June 2024
3 Minutes Read

The Cricket Match of Life: 5 Essential ways Appa Taught Us to Win  

Cricket Match of Life: Saturday Morning Rituals

Every Saturday morning, the aroma of filter coffee and Amma’s soft idli batter filled the modest Chennai apartment. Ramesh, the ever-patient father, sat at the dining table, not with the newspaper, but with a worn copy of “Investing for Dummies.” His two children, Priya and Arun, shuffled in, sleep still clinging to their eyes. 

The Power of Saving in Life

“Good morning, Amma, Appa,” they mumbled, reaching for their idlis. 

Ramesh smiled. “Good morning, sleepyheads. Today’s lesson – the power of saving!” 

Priya, the elder one, rolled her eyes playfully. “Appa, not again! We already know about saving for our cycles.” 

Ramesh chuckled. “There’s always something new to learn, pudhiya (daughter). Today, it’s about being financially responsible.” He pointed to the book. “See, loans and credit cards might seem tempting, but they can trap you in a cycle of debt.” 

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Arun, ever the curious one, piped up, “But Appa, everyone uses credit cards!” 

Ramesh shook his head. “Not everyone, son. They’re good for emergencies, but for everyday things? Save up and buy it cash. That way, you value your money more.” 

These Saturday morning lessons became a ritual. Ramesh used real-life examples. When the auto rickshaw fare increased, he explained the importance of budgeting. When their neighbor struggled with a medical emergency due to no health insurance, he spoke of planning for unforeseen circumstances. 

cricket match of life

Life Lessons Through Cricket

“Think of life like a cricket match, kids,” he’d say, eyes twinkling. “You need to plan your innings, save runs for the future, and have a good wicketkeeper – that’s your emergency fund – to catch any surprises life throws.” 

Ramesh didn’t just preach; he practiced. He diligently paid bills on time, avoiding late fees. He and Amma discussed investments, researching different options before putting their hard-earned money anywhere.

Practical Applications 

One day, Priya came home excited about a new phone everyone in her class had. 

“We can save up for it, Amma, Appa,” she declared. 

Ramesh beamed. “That’s the spirit! Remember, the joy of buying something with your own money is unmatched.” 

Over the years, the lessons sunk in. Priya learned to manage her pocket money, saving for her college fees. Arun, inspired by his father, started a small online business, learning valuable financial management skills. 

cricket match of life

The Fruits of Financial Wisdom

Years later, Priya, a successful doctor, and Arun, a thriving entrepreneur, sat with their parents. 

“Thank you, Amma, Appa,” Priya said, squeezing her mother’s hand. “You taught us more than just book smarts.” 

Ramesh smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “We just invested in your future, our dears. And the best part? The returns are priceless.” 

Priya smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners, just like her father’s. “Thank you, Amma, Appa,” she said, squeezing her mother’s hand. “You taught us more than just book smarts.” 

Ramesh smiled back, his heart brimming with pride. “We just invested in your future, our dears. And the best part? The returns are priceless.” 

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Teaching children about money, finance, saving, investment, and wealth creation is an invaluable gift that fathers can provide. This knowledge equips them with essential life skills that extend beyond the classroom, fostering a sense of responsibility and foresight. By sharing real-life examples and practical lessons, fathers can demystify complex financial concepts, helping children understand the importance of budgeting, planning for emergencies, and making informed decisions. These lessons cultivate a mindset that values financial independence and prudence, setting the foundation for a secure and prosperous future. 

As children grow, they will carry forward these teachings, applying them to their own lives and, in turn, passing them down to future generations. The legacy of financial literacy and discipline not only empowers individuals but also contributes to a more financially aware and resilient society. Indeed, the returns on such an investment are immeasurable, benefitting families and communities alike. Happy Father’s Day! 

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