31 August 2024
4 Minutes Read

Tara’s EPS Discovery: Turning Confusion into Profits

Tara, a curious and analytical college student from Kerala, was eager to invest her savings. While browsing investment websites, she stumbled upon the term “Earnings per share” (EPS). She was intrigued but also confused. Tara decided to seek advice from her experienced uncle, Daniel, a financial advisor.

“Uncle Daniel, I’m so confused about all these stock market terms!” Tara exclaimed. “I want to start investing but don’t know where to begin.”

Daniel, with a warm smile, replied, “That’s a great first step, Tara. Investing can be a smart way to grow your money. Now, tell me what’s got you confused?”

“I keep reading about something called ‘earnings per share’ (EPS). It seems like a higher EPS is good, but there are limitations too,” Tara explained.

“Exactly,” Daniel replied. “EPS is a popular metric used to assess a company’s profitability. It tells you how much money the company makes per share of its common stock.”

“So, the more money they make per share, the better the investment, right?” Tara asked.

“Not quite,” Daniel explained. “Think of it like this. Imagine a company called ‘XYZ’ with an EPS of Rs. 5 per share. Sounds good, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, that seems profitable!” Tara agreed.

“But hold on,” Daniel continued. “What if XYZ is inflating their earnings by selling off a bunch of old equipment? That one-time sale might boost their EPS this year, but it doesn’t necessarily reflect their long-term earning potential.”

“Oh, I see. So, EPS can be misleading?” Tara asked.

“Absolutely,” Daniel replied. “That’s why it’s important to consider other factors like cash flow and the type of EPS being used. There’s ‘basic EPS’ which just looks at outstanding shares, and ‘diluted EPS’ which considers things like stock options that could increase the number of shares.”

“Wow, this is more complicated than I thought!” Tara exclaimed.

“Don’t worry, Tara,” Daniel reassured her. “Here’s the key takeaway. Use EPS as a starting point, but don’t rely on it alone. Look at the company’s overall financial health, its future prospects, and compare it to similar companies in the same industry.”


“That makes sense,” Tara said. “Thanks, Uncle Daniel! Now I feel more confident to do some deeper research before investing.”

“Anytime, Tara,” Daniel replied. “Remember, a little detective work goes a long way in the stock market!”

After her enlightening conversation with Uncle Daniel, Tara felt much more confident about her investment journey. Equipped with newfound knowledge about the importance and limitations of Earnings Per Share (EPS), she was eager to apply it in a practical way. That’s when Daniel introduced her to the Navia App, a powerful tool that could simplify her stock analysis.

He explained how the Navia App makes it easy for users to dig into the details of any stock:

🔸 Login to Your Navia Account: Tara started by logging into the Navia App, where she could easily access all her investment tools in one place.

🔸 Select Your Stock: From her watchlist, Tara selected a stock she was interested in. The watchlist page made it simple for her to keep track of the companies she wanted to monitor.

🔸 Access Stock Details: With a quick tap on the “i” icon next to the stock, Tara could dive into all the essential details, from basic information to in-depth analysis.

🔸 Explore the Analysis Section: By swiping to the Analysis section, she unlocked a treasure trove of information, perfect for making informed investment decisions.

🔸 Review EPS and More: Under the “Earnings & Revenue” heading, Tara could easily find the EPS, along with other critical metrics like gross margin, debt/equity ratio, and net profit margin—all presented in a clear and user-friendly format.


Using the Navia App, Tara was able to take her Uncle Daniel’s advice to heart. She didn’t just stop at the EPS; she explored all the relevant financial data, giving her a comprehensive view of the stock’s performance. With each step, she felt more confident in her ability to analyze and choose stocks wisely.

By the end of the day, Tara knew that investing was more than just understanding a single metric—it was about looking at the bigger picture. Thanks to her Uncle Daniel’s guidance and the practical tools in the Navia App, Tara was well on her way to becoming a savvy investor.

DISCLAIMER: Investments in the securities market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. The securities quoted are exemplary and are not recommendatory. Brokerage will not exceed the SEBI prescribed limit.

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