12 July 2024
4 Minutes Read

An Investor’s Ultimate Therapy Session: Taming the Emotional Rollercoaster 

Sandeep, a wide-eyed young man, paced impatiently in the bank lobby. He clutched his phone, constantly checking the stock market app. Every glance sent a fresh wave of frustration washing over him. He had just started investing, and the market had taken a nasty dip, dragging his carefully chosen stocks down with it. 

Across the lobby, Anshul, a seasoned investor, noticed Sandeep’s distress. Anshul, with his calm demeanor and sharp gaze, emanated an aura of quiet confidence. He decided to lend a helping hand. 

“Rough day in the market?” Anshul asked, approaching Sandeep with a friendly smile. 

Sandeep sighed, “Yeah, you could say that. Everything I invested in seems to be sinking.” 

Anshul chuckled knowingly, “The market has a way of testing your nerves, especially for beginners. But remember, this isn’t the first storm it’s weathered, and it certainly won’t be the last.” 


Intrigued, Sandeep perked up a bit. “So, what should I do? Should I just sell everything and cut my losses?” 

Anshul smiled, “That’s where things get interesting. Behavioral finance teaches us that emotions can cloud our judgment when it comes to investing.” 

Sandeep ‘s brow furrowed, “Behavioral finance? What’s that?” 

Anshul explained, “It’s like understanding the psychology behind our investment decisions. Right now, you’re probably feeling loss aversion, the pain of losing is stronger than the joy of winning. This can lead people to hold onto losing stocks for too long, hoping they’ll bounce back.” 

Sandeep nodded slowly, “That’s exactly what I’m doing! But isn’t that stupid? Shouldn’t I just get out before I lose everything?” 

Anshul reassured him, “Not necessarily. It depends on your research and risk tolerance. But before you make any rash decisions, let’s take a step back. Did you have a plan before you invested?” 

Sandeep sheepishly admitted, “Not really. I just saw a few stocks that seemed promising and went for it.” 

Anshul smiled gently, “There you go. Behavioral finance teaches us the importance of planning. Having a clear financial plan based on your goals and how much risk you can handle helps you stay on track and avoid impulsive decisions during market fluctuations.” 


Sandeep felt a sense of relief wash over him. Maybe there was hope after all. “So, what should I do now?” 

Anshul suggested, “First, reflect on your past decisions. Were you swayed by emotions or did you stick to your research? Then, develop a financial plan that considers your risk tolerance and long-term goals. Remember, investing is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be ups and downs, but by understanding your biases and having a plan, you can make informed decisions and become a successful investor.” 

Anshul’s calm guidance left Sandeep feeling a lot more optimistic about his future as an investor. “Thanks, Anshul,” Sandeep said with a grin. “This has been a huge help. I never thought about how my emotions might be affecting my decisions.” 

Anshul smiled back. “That’s what behavioral finance is all about, Sandeep. Now, to help you put this knowledge into action, Navia Trading App offer tools that can keep you on track. 

🔸 Watchlists: Create personalized lists to track stocks you’re interested in, allowing you to monitor their performance and stay informed about potential opportunities. 

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🔸 Price alerts: Set alerts to be notified when a stock price reaches a certain point, helping you stay ahead of the market and make timely decisions. 

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🔸 Price Streaks: Monitor the overall performance of your investments in one place, allowing you to easily assess your asset allocation and risk exposure. 

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By understanding your biases and using the resources available in the Navia App, you can navigate the world of investing with more confidence. Remember, investing is a journey, and with knowledge and a well-defined plan, you can be well on your way to achieving your financial goals.” 

Sandeep, feeling a newfound sense of control, thanked Anshul for his guidance. He realized that while the market may be unpredictable, he didn’t have to be. By understanding behavioral finance and employing smart strategies, he could navigate the world of investing with more confidence. 

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